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Sustanon250 Powder – the Synthetic Steroid Derived from Testosterone

Sustanon 250 Powder – white crystalline testosterone white powder, is bodybuilding testosterone powder supplement. It is a synthetic steroid derived from testosterone – an anabolic and androgenic that comes in an injectable form. There are various forms of this powder and counted as the blend of four compounds of the ester in varying amounts that include: Testosterone Propionate (30mg) Testosterone Phenylpropionate (60mg) Testosterone Isocaproate (60mg) Testosterone Decanoate (100mg) This oil-based steroid is designed to increase strength and body weight. This product is a mixture of four different testosterone esters that are injected into the muscles and slowly released into the body over time. It is illegal in the country to own or use sustanon250 powder without a prescription from a practicing physician. Doctors prescribe it for a variety of legitimate medical reasons, including cancer or help it often, growth failure in children, delayed puberty. ...

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